Scrumptious Starters: Cheesy Corn Pockets

Scrumptious Starters: Cheesy Corn Pockets


2 cup corn
( coarsely crushed in mixer)
8/10 garlic cloves
3 green chillies
Salt as per taste
1/4 tsp black pepper
Chilli flakes
Pinch of Turmeric
8-10 Sheets for pockets
1 cup maida slurry.


For the Filling:
Take a Pan and Add oil, Make sure oil is heated .
Add Garlic and Green Chillies Paste, Saute for a Minute. Add Crushed Corn, Salt,
Turmeric, Black Pepper, Chilli Flakes, Saute
Mix it evenly and cover it with a Lid.
If the Corn is cooked completely, take it off from stove and add Cheese.

For FIlling the Pockets:
Take a Sheet and Cut it into Half, Arrange them in + Sign.
Apply Slurry to Overlapping Portion and Press it lightly.
Add the corn mixture in center. Spread it evenly.
Apply Slurry On all the four sides and Fold as shown.
Keep Pressing it Gently. Make sure the sides are sealed.

Fry it on medium flame.
Serve it hot with Ketchup / Chutney along with any beverage.

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Music: "Summer" by

moms kitchenmoms kitchen always with yourecipe with corn

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