These frequencies of pure Theta waves are designed for siding you into a state akin to sleep. Listen to these while your visualizing your future dreams. If your getting excited these frequencies will do the trick.
Elmer O Locker jr.
Elmer O Locker talking about his experiences with Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/7JJ8-NBN1iY
The meditation playlist for your receptivity increase. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTqf1tr6oM_FsAuo55AKCFgUsqxg_ZxqC
My exercise for climbing the ladder. https://youtu.be/ErYFqFbUpw4
If you failed to climb the ladder WATCH THIS!! https://youtu.be/HfWpTN65Q8M
A shortcut to creating the life of your dreams. https://youtu.be/lEi6JTuRm5k
36 questions and answers by Neville Goddard himself. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTqf1tr6oM_GpylsHHVZNlRK3Q3viICYL
Alternate exercises for people who desire different techniques https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTqf1tr6oM_GFLw60OHLR7p6lAscnEMzY
Readings from Neville Goddard. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTqf1tr6oM_Fk1os_
Try my friends awesome affirmation meditation app , I LOVE THIS! LINK https://selfpause.com/download