✏️ Hey, what’s going on guys?! Today, Episodes 103/104 for the Pokémon Journeys/Pokémon Master Journeys/Pokémon (2019)/Pocket Monsters anime were revealed! Details include Ash vs Clemont & Bonnie, Ash vs Drasna, Ash vs Paul, May, Ash's Greninja (Ash-Greninja) returns, Paul returns, Dawn returns, Goh catches Mew, Ash vs Leon, Ash beats Leon, Ash loses to Leon, Mega Lucario vs Gigantamax Charizard, Regigigas appears, Regieleki appears, Regidrago appears, Serena and May returns teased, Chloe becomes a performer, Gary returns, Lillie and Gladion return, Wallace returns, Lisia appears, Iris returns, Marnie and Piers return, Clemont and Bonnie return, Tokio returns, Hop, Kalos 1 hour special episode and much more! Make sure to comment below your opinion and suggest more Pokémon theories, speculation and videos for me.
📝 Source(s):
► https://newtextdocument.com/c2868f15a6
Upcoming Pokémon Episodes:
Pocket Monsters Anime
Pocket Monsters Anime 2019
Pokemon 2019 anime
Pokemon Sword and Shield Anime
Pocket Monsters/Pokemon 2019 Episode 102
Pocket Monsters/Pokemon 2019 Episode 103
Pocket Monsters/Pokemon 2019 Episode 104
Pokemon Sword and Shield Episode 102
Pokemon Sword and Shield Episode 103
Pokemon Sword and Shield Episode 104
Trial mission! Freezing raid battle!
Ash and Clemont! Great friendship training!!
Hyper Class Battle! Ash VS Elite Four Drasna!!
Pokémon Journeys Episode 102
Pokémon Journeys Episode 103
Pokémon Journeys Episode 104
Pokémon Journeys
Pokémon Journeys: The Series
Ash catches Dragonite
Ash catches Grookey
Ash catches Gengar
Go's Scorbunny evolves into Raboot
Ash catches Riolu
Ash vs Korrina
Ash's Lycanroc returns
Goh catches Grookey
Ash catches Galarian Farfetch'd
Goh catches Sobble
Ash's Riolu evolves into Lucario
Ash's Galarian Farfetch’d evolves into Sirfetch'd
Ash vs Bea
Goh's Raboot evolves into Cinderace
Ash vs Eternatus
Ash's Melmetal Returns
Ash's Alola team return
Mewtwo returns
Chloe catches Eevee
Chloe Gigantamaxes Eevee
Chloe's Eevee evolves
Ash catches Dracovish
Goh's Sobble evolves into Drizzile
Goh catches Suicune
Ash vs Wikstrom
Ash's dad revealed
Gary Oak returns
Iris returns
Ash vs Gary
Ash vs Iris
Ash vs Leon
Dawn returns
Paul returns
Cynthia returns
Gary Oak Gigantamax Blastoise
Hop revealed
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond
Pokémon Shining Pearl
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Ash's Infernape returns
Iris' Haxorus
Serena returns
Serena amourshipping
Ash vs Iris
Ash's Charizard returns
Ash's Sceptile returns
Ash's Mega Lucario
Tobias returns
Goh's Drizzile evolves into Inteleon
Volkner returns
Tracey returns
Infernape vs Moltres
Alain returns
Ash's Gigantamax Gengar
Zygarde returns
Ash-Greninja returns
May returns
Brock returns
Ash vs Volkner
Ash vs Cynthia
Goh catches Shiny Voltorb
Ash's Mega Ring
Ash's Lucario Mega Evolves into Mega Lucario
Ash vs Arceus
Goh's Grookey evolves into Thwackey
Ash beats Leon
Ash defeats Leon
Ash wins Pokémon World Championships
Ash wins Pokémon World Coronation Series
Pokémon World Champion Ash
World Champion Monarch Ash
Tobias' full team
Allister appears
Pocket Monsters: The Arceus Who is Known as a God (ポケットモンスター神とよばれしアルセウス)
Generation 9 Pokémon anime
Butch and Cassidy return
Ash vs Piers
Marnie revealed
Erika returns
Ash leaves the Pokémon anime
Team Galactic return
Ash vs Marnie
Flint returns
Bonnie and Clemont return
Wallace returns
Pokémon Scarlet
Pokémon Violet
Ash vs Drasna
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🎮 Nintendo Switch Friend Code – SW-2747-3606-2108
🕹️ Pokémon GO Friend Code – 7218 7625 5454
❗ Credits:
Huge thanks to Oscar Belmonte for designing my amazing NEW avatar! Make sure to check him out.
► https://twitter.com/rgreywind
🎵 Music (Listed below):
► @SPEYERE Pokémon Journeys Covers (Galar Wild Battle v2 - Commissioned/Great Challenge)
► Pokémon M15 - The Sacred Swordsmen Revive
► Pokémon Anime Sound Collection (DP) - Satoshi theme
📹 Video Footage (Listed below):
► N/A
🎨 Art (Listed below):
► N/A
❗ PLEASE NOTE, some footage is owned by myself and that some images or music may be used from their respectful owners. No copyright infringement is intended and is it used for entertainment purposes only, so please support me and the owners. They will always be credited above. Thank you! :D
©️ Video owned and uploaded by ThePokéRaf