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And now, the rest of the team is left to pick up the pieces. Matt is gone, and now Nelson has the ability to turn on the Spire at any point he wishes. It seems hopeless and the team feels as though they are at their lowest point...but even in the depths of that darkness, there is always a flicker of hope that can be held onto.
00:00 - LAST TIME
00:39 - "What Do We Do..."
The team is left, completely baffled and shocked at what happened in the previous episode.
03:11 - Tantrum Time
Woods' frustration reaches a boiling point...
05:00 - We Can Do This Together
After calming him down, the team knows that they now need to turn to Subject 4 and see if they can get that information before Syphus.
07:34 - Peppermint...?
Subject 4 may have cracked the code!
08:52 - And Hazelnut..
But they're not done, and there might in fact be two codes: one to initiate the mind control and one to initiate the serum antidote.
11:39 - We Need Mike!
The team's only shot is to call Mike and beg him to return so he can track the signal the Spire.
13:51 - Exposition Dump For Mike
Once he arrives, the team needs to catch Mike up to speed.
15:48 - Can We...Track The Spire?
Mike explains that they CAN track the frequency through the speakers in the wall!
19:56 - Enhance!!
Woods (of course) has what they need to enhance the frequency to get to the Spire.
22:58 - Where Is It...
And now, it's just a matter of searching for the signal...
‼️ Would you like to know how these videos are made? Warning! The rest of the description will break the spell and take you out of this story world we've worked so hard to make magical. There may be spoilers ahead!
🎬 Behind 863 Reddit ➡ https://www.reddit.com/r/Behind863/
⚠️ The following story was created for entertainment purposes only and may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. This story and its characters are fictitious. Certain long-standing institutions, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but the characters involved are wholly imaginary. Do not contact, engage with, or approach anyone or any company not directly linked in the description or confirmed to be a part of the story.