If you say that someone is fearless, you mean that they are not afraid at all, and you admire them for this. This happens in the animal world as well. The unassuming and relatively small creature is considered the most fearless animal in the world, and they are notorious for their strength, ferocity, and toughness. Starting from honey badger. Let’s check out the the top 20 most fearless animals on the planet.
1. Honey Badger
This goofy weasel-like animal just don't consider retreat as an option. They're notorious for their fearlessness, and go after animals either far larger or far more venomous such as the cobra, then use their power jaws and sharp teeth to bring down prey, eating every last bit once they are done. For example: here are honey badgers taking on six lions. The honey badger also has a secret weapon to defend itself. Hidden at the base of its tail, are two glands that squirt out a foul-smelling liquid that can be detected 130 feet (40 meters) away, according to the South African National Biodiversity Institute. They don't always win, but they also don't ever retreat and will fight to end.
2. Grey Wolf
Perhaps the only species tough enough to match Liam Neeson on a bad day, the grey wolf is tough enough on its own. It is all-but inescapable when encountered in a pack. This fearless animal can handle -40 degree temperatures and can move at almost 40 mph. Its bite can be as strong as 1,500 pounds per square inch. You can bet that if you encounter a whole pack in wild, you won't be getting home ever again.
3. Heck Cows
You're probably thinking, "What the heck? Cows?" But these aren't just any funny animals. They're a particular species bio-engineered by German zoologists Heinz and Lutz Heck. The Hecks were aiming to recreate an extinct wild ox breed known as aurochs that were a staple of the region's mythology. They managed to create an aggressive and uniquely shaped animal that came to be known as the Heck Cow. It disturbingly became a feature of pride and propaganda. These cows still roam freely around Bavaria and could cause some serious pain to someone foolish enough to annoy them.
4. Wild Boar
These aggressive, portly-but-fast-moving animals are fierce and come equipped with razor-sharp tusks. But what's perhaps most dangerous about these animals is the environmental destruction they cause. "I've never seen any one species that can affect so many livelihoods and resources." Michael Bodenchuk, the state director of Texas Wildlife Services told Scientific American. They destroy crops and pasture, as well as habitat for native plants and animals. The USDA is spending $20 million to try and slow the spread of these animals, who have extended to 39 states and are only proliferating further.
Are you daring enough to look at top 10 more? Hold tight!
5. Cape buffalo
These huge mammals may look like exotic cows, but they are hardly placid in an encounter. Reputed to terminate over 200 people a year, these fearless animals are unpredictable. Unlike their Asian cousin, the Water Buffalo, the Cape Buffalo is considered impossible to domesticate. The destruction this species has brought to its prey, including humans, has earned it the nickname "the Black End." So definitely their name is in the list of wildlife documentary as one of the most fearless animals.
6. Grizzly Bears
This fearless member of the animal kingdom lives as a rare and strange predator. The tough animals weigh hundreds of pounds with at least one found to weigh 1,500 pounds. With four-inch claws and intimidating teeth, their big size is matched by startling speed. They can run as fast as 30 miles per hour especially if you happen to be standing between a mom and her cubs. Usually, these beasts are happy to feast on berries, roots, nuts and leaves, but you definitely don’t want to tempt them to quit vegan.
Let’s look at another obviously fearless animal in nature documentaries.
7. Gorilla
Generally, gorillas are very shy and reserved towards people. They will attack only if they are surprised or threatened in the wrong way.
Mountain Gorillas as well as Lowland Gorillas can be aggressive and dangerous to human and other animals. Though 98% of their gene matches with human, they are more powerful than human and can be fatally dangerous.
Gorillas can fight for females; and they can fight if another male tries to take over the group leadership.
Most gorilla fight is directed towards other gorillas, they can be aggressive towards other animals when they feel threatened. No matter it is a lion, tiger or anything else.
Which one did you find most fearless and creepy? Have you encountered any of them? Share your thoughts in the comment section.
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